We began the New Year by receiving 5 new children. Hopefully this is a sign that we will quit losing children and begin receiving abandoned ones.

The children slept late because they were up past 1am with fireworks.

When the Murphy’s took the girls to pizza yesterday the girls stacked their plates and carried them to the kitchen. The waitresses were blown away.

One of the boys who gave me a lot of trouble years ago came to see me with his wife and 3 children to tell me he was saved & playing the trumpet in his church. It warmed my heart.



How do children come to Jesus? Mark 10:13-16 “Suffer the little children to come unto me”.

  1. Children come to Jesus with simple faith. There are no complicated questions and there are no deep theological confusions. They just simply know there is something in them calling out for a Savior.
  2. Children come with a less appetite for sin. Kids are not overwhelmed as we are with our faults and failures. They know a piece is missing but they are not like adults who attempt to put money, fame, sex, etc. into the hole. They do not lust for the things of this world.
  3. Children dome with a pure heart of love. They are not divided by love for the world or love for things. They simply feel that childlike desire for a love greater than themselves.
  4. Children come without pride. Pride hinders us from coming to Christ. That is the number one reason adults stay glued to their seats during an altar call.
  5. Children come without the preconceived notions that often hinder adults. Adults tend to think that if they get saved they will have to give up so much. They cannot see what they are receiving because they are so concerned about “having to change”.
  6. Children come with a whole life to give to him. I was an older teenager when I gave my heart to Jesus. I had wasted so many years where I could have been studying and learning and being used.