Building Blocks #2

Dottie’s OB-GYN annual exam turned into a 4 hour ordeal but when all was done she received a clean bill of health.

We bought more food for when we leave for the states. Gladys will stay in our house while we are gone.

Larry & Oscar walked the property & came up with a to-do list for teams coming this Fall.


The third building block in marriage is faithfulness. I am to be true to Dottie and she is to be true to me. The Word makes it very clear that we are to be morally pure in our marriage. In the world that we live in absolute faithfulness is not natural. But in His eyes it is imperative.

The fourth building block is well-defined roles. The world in which we live has so blurred the lines between men and women that it is virtually impossible to have a traditional marriage and family. You truly have to work at it.

The husband’s role is to be the head of the wife. Biblical leadership is not a dictatorship nor is it just self-serving. It is to be provided for in love. It is to be done without bitterness and it is to be done in the very same way that we treat our own body. It is the role of a servant.

The wife’s role is to submit lovingly to the leadership of her husband. Even though she might find it difficult she needs to do it in the act of trusting and having confidence in God and His plan for the home.

Marriage only works His way when we do it His way!