Dottie went to buy groceries. My brace comes off Saturday so next week I will be able to drive her to shop.

The college students have begun enrolling in the various universities.

Jessica is speaking with various staff members about how the board can help.

There is a team here from Maryland and I gave them my testimony.


In Matthew 19 the disciples prohibited children from coming to Jesus. Jesus was very direct and told them to never forbid children from coming to Him. Often times we are not aware of just how young a child can be when he begins to think of God. Dottie was 5 when she first began enquiring about Jesus.

People often think that ministry to children is just to keep them from bothering the adults in the main worship center. But loving parents will bring their children to Jesus. There are youth workers, children’s church workers and even church bus drivers who believe that ministry to children is a very important action.

The disciples thought Jesus was too busy. They thought that adults were more important. The under estimated the love Jesus has for children. Jesus wanted to lay hands on the children and pray for them.

We need to see the full potential of children as God sees them. A child has a full and hopefully long life in which to serve Jesus. Every child is a child for whom Jesus died. Children who are converted are more likely to go into full time ministry as an adult.

Jesus valued children. Unlike us He was never too busy for them. No one should ever forbid a child from coming to Christ.