It was good to get back to teaching the children. That is what I miss the most when we are in the states.

Duke & James arrived from Alabama right hen we can use them the most. They will be here 3 weeks. God is so good.

We took photos of the children who were not here Tuesday and Minor will photo-shop them into the Christmas photo.

Gladys wants to have a cross like this in our blue building.

Psalm 69:20 “I looked for one who would comfort me and there was no one.” You and I need to be moved by the circumstances and plights of others. We need to bring His presence to those who are suffering. As a missionary I can describe my calling by these words: All Christians are called to comfort others.

Jesus tells us that when we do anything for the least of His children we do it unto Him. A cup of water or a kind word! A visit to the jail cell or reading to a blind individual! These are acts of kindness expected of us. Caring for the naked or the homeless is our way of honoring Jesus. Feed and clothing the poor is the way we become the hands of Jesus.

But in order to do these things you cannot be bitter or unforgiving. We all have had tragedy in our lives but we have bury the remembrance of those past hurts and do all we can to insure others are delivered from their sufferings. We must have the love to forgive and the humility to forget.

We must be aware of our own faults and realize that “But for the grace of God go I”. Thank Him everyday that you were born into a better condition than 99% of the world. Your freedoms and opportunities are everywhere.

Do not allow Psalm 69:20 to become your headstone. Make a difference!!