A child with cancer who lived here a few years & went to spend his last days with his family is in the hospital. I brought his two younger brothers to visit him in ICU. He did not open his eyes. I talked to the boys about the hope we have in Jesus and that their brotherwill have a new body.

Anthony’s surgery on his arm went well but he is having trouble with his liver. Please continue to pray.

The inspection went well. Nothing that we cannot fix! They spoke with staff, children and went through our files of the children.

A group from South Carolina dropped by to see Casa. They know Walt & Randi.


Faith acts when God speaks to us personally. He prompts us! Hebrews 11:7 “By faith Noah, when warned……..built an ark”. Can you imagine the ridicule Noah went through? He builds an ark for decades on DRY land. Yet he remained steadfast and when push came to shove he and his family were saved. Noah heard and Noah acted. You and I have to listen for His voice.

Faith must be willing to go into the unknown. Hebrews 11:8 “By faith Abraham when called to go to a place for his inheritance he obeyed and went not knowing where he was going”. The past is exactly that—the past. Faith is not needed there. Faith is now.

Faith involves persistence. Hebrews 11:30. “By faith the walls of Jericho fell AFTER the people walked around it for 7 days”. You must KEEP on believing. Nothing seemed to change at all from day 1 through day 6. But the persistence of Joshua and the people paid off. You will inherit if you stay focused and obedient.