The teachers have been preparing for 2 weeks on starting school Monday. Our school year goes from mid-January until November. Graduation and the Quinceaneras will be November 23rd. The kids do not seem too excited about the new school year. Hopefully that will change on Monday.

I wrote thank you letters to dozens of folks today.

We are getting a trickling of new children but the government is still sending others back to their families.


University boys helping with the ceiling

What motivates Christians to give? Giving is an expression of love.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.

The way you think is will become the way you act.

  1. We give because we love God. You are not expecting anything in return.
  2. We give because of gratitude. Thankful for his mercy & gift of salvation.
  3. We give because we are obedient. “If you love me, keep my commandments”
  4. We give because we trust Him. Confidence He will bless & keep us.
  5. We give because we are guardians. Everything belongs to God.
  6. We give because God is faithful. We know He will keep His Word.
  7. We give because we want to worship Him. We worship what or who we value.


Any one of these points is cause enough to make you a giver. I believe that one of the greatest blessings of being a child of God is to be a channel to a world of hurting people