55 years ago Dottie and I married in her living room with only her parents, my father and her sister in attendance. The odds of us staying together this long were not too good. But with Jesus all things are possible. My only question is “How can 55 years go by so quickly?”.

We had breakfast with Rocky Sickle pastor of Lone Oak Baptist.



Grace brings salvation – Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 4:4-5 – Rom. 5:20)

Salvation Means that the Christian has been:

  1. Cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus – 1:5 v. 14 – Redeemed; Purified; Gave – it was 100% God). Jesus has bought you and me with the price of the blood of His Son. Nothing I ever do will merit me getting into heave. Works are useless without faith.
  2. Delivered eternally from the penalty of sin – Rom. 6:23; John 10:27-30

There is hell and damnation for the person who dies without Christ. They must pay the penalty for their sins. But if you are in Christ than the penalty has already been paid. You walk in newness of life and no longer want to sin as you did before.


  1. Assured of Heaven when we die – John 14:1-3, 25-26; 2Cor. 5:1-8; I have no reason to fear death and neither do you. One we repent & ask Jesus into our hearts there is an assurance that Jesus will always be with us. However you must realize that if you are truly saved then you are a new creature. Your life is not your own and others can see the change in you. Sin separates us from God.