Cindy, dialysis, is back in the hospital. Sadly, it appears she is giving up as they continue to explore ways to insert a catheter. She is in heavy depression.

Andrew & family leave for Canada tomorrow. They feel the Lord has called them to return to Casa and assist in driving as well as maintenance. They will raise their funds as soon as possible & then return here.

The team gave ice cream to all of the children.


Michal was King David’s wife. She had seen how her father, Saul, had been a suspicious, paranoid man. Sadly she would become just like her father. Petty & bitter!

Her love was selfish and immature. When David danced before the Lord it set her into a rage. She ridiculed David! She was jealous that he would dance before all the people of Israel when the Ark entered the city. She accused him of making a show before the women.

David explained to her that he did not care how foolish it looked he was going to praise the Lord. She wanted to be first in David’s life. This is not unusual in many families as Jesus is second or even third behind spouses or children.

Jealousy had led to bitterness. She was punished by never being able to bear children. This was the worst punishment a woman in the Bible could experience. Never resent the love of someone for God. We were never intended to be first.