Principles of success #11

I will send this early because we will leave the house for the airport at 3:45am.

I have not received any negative responses to our increase October 1st for visitors to Casa and for sponsorship so I am assuming that you understand that transportation, food and utility costs have all risen here in Guatemala. Thank you for your kind understanding.

We had lunch with Mike Davis who came & stayed at Casa for a number of months. It was good to see him after more than a year.

This is the last day so Dottie did a little shopping to insure the suitcases were filled.

The twenty-first principle of success is that you need to stay away from the complainer and the negative people. Philippians 4:11 “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”.

It is true that complainers can rot out a relationship or an organization. Unfortunantly every church or ministry has the group of unhappy and uncooperative negative people. A complainers eats away at the foundation of the leader and if unchecked or listened to will erode the base as a termite does with a foundation of a home.

22) Get up early! Song of Solomon 7:12 “Let us get up early to the vineyards”. Laziness is the death of a man or an organization. It takes high energy to lead a multi-personnel organization. Casa has 118 employees so this is a large ministry of which Sebastian and the team are responsible. Staying in bed is an escape and never is productive.