This is one of the most difficult things I have had to write. After prayer and consulting with us Josue’ & Vanessa will not be getting married this year. Please pray that they will know God’s perfect will. It is much better to know now than later. If you already purchased tickets you can still come and have Thanksgiving dinner with Dottie and me.

The boys won two championships in 3 weeks

Faith is worthless in itself. If it is not founded correctly it will lead to disaster. Years ago a driver was going between Jackson and Vicksburg, Ms. Over a number of bridges. These bridges had always been safe for him so he just drove a little faster.

Suddenly, the taillights in from of him disappeared and soon he felt himself going into a gap in the highway and going into the river below. He was able to break a window and escape.

He crawled up to the highway and tried to flag cars down but they ignored him and soon were flying into the watery abyss. All the drivers had faith the bridge was intact and there was no danger. But each car went into the water with screams and a splash.

All the drivers had faith in a bridge that was no longer there. There is only one bridge across the river of death. John 14:6 Jesus says “No man cometh to the Father but by Me”. It is dangerous to think there is another way.

Faith must have a proper foundation—Jesus Christ!