We were visited by “Bridge of Life” which is a non-profit ministry founded by Davita the large dialysis medical organization in the USA. They do not financially support groups like us but they help get machines, train technicians, etc. They brought a nephrologist, dietician and internist to see what they can do to help. These folks also examined some of the children. They even made Christmas cards with two dorms. They are very instrumental in the success Dr. Lou has had here in Guatemala. Walt & Randi will work closely with them to see what we can do for each other. Of course, they expect places like Casa to have financial sustainability.

Josue’ will arrive in Guatemala at 9pm so he had two very long days of travel.

Sindy will do hemodialysis in the hospital but be able to stay at Casa in between treatments.


Nadab & Abihu worshipped in a way that God had not commanded. It was seen by the Lord as a sign of disrespect. (Leviticus 10:1-3). When we worship we are to be holy as God is holy.

Jesus refers to true worship in John 4:20-24. He tells us to worship in Spirit and Truth. VAIN worship is following the traditions of men and ignoring the commands of God. When worship is not done from the heart it is vain worship.

Paul says in Acts 17:22-23 that IGNORANT worship is when we worship in the absence of a knowledge of God’s will concerning who He is and how He is to be worshipped.

Paul says in Colossians 2:20-23 that there is also a SELF-IMPOSED worship which is a worship by our own will. It is the result of doing what we like and what we want. But just like Nadab & Abihu it is doing only what we desire to do.

Stay tuned for TRUE worship