Water emergency

Heidy was able to get some of the food providers to come during the night and bring vegetables and eggs but the providers are using the blockades as an excuse to raise prices. We need your prayers as this puts us over our food budget.

I believe there is a two day lull in the roadblocks and they will start again Monday but no one can say for certain.

The demonstrators are unhappy with the results of the recent presidential elections.

You can just imagine how this has upset the daily duties of Casa. Employees cannot get here, dialysis children must be picked up by ambulance and taken to the city. Buying food is very difficult. Teachers could not get here.

We have employees who work 24 hour shifts and this makes it difficult especially in dialysis and our guards.

It was announced today that people without running water (it is delivered by trucks) are in danger of no water at all.

This generator is huge