I need your help

Lilian(raised here) with husband, Estuardo, and children

I have never written a letter like this in 35 years.

Due to the pandemic, we have not been able to go to the USA and speak in churches.

Inflation, the government requiring we must have 5 social workers, 5 psychologists, 4 extra baby dorm workers, 3 more maintenance men, a full time driver, 3 more cooks and of course the dialysis hospital fully staffed. We are in a place financially we have never been.

Moving the office from Lake Charles, La. to Tenn. has caused some to stop giving.

I am not asking you to give more. I know you are doing your best.

But I do ask that you share with churches and friends what this ministry is all about. Over 6000 children have come here. We want it to continue.

The mailing address is 4935 Main St. STe 7:228   Spring Hill, Tn. 37174.