
Last night Dottie did not want to bother me, so she tried to get up, but she fell between the bed and the nightstand. She was not hurt badly but she scared me. She is so weak but tries to do to stand.
We went to a new neurologist in Chimaltenango where Dottie was given tests at the government hospital. Dottie has hydrocephalus. Her head will not swell but in 30 days we will know if she is to have a shunt. The doctor said at her age a shunt surgery would be very dangerous. Need prayer!
Keyser the oldest child in dialysis has suffered tremendously since Eduardo’s death. He is in the hospital refusing to eat and has gotten so thin the physicians will place a feeding tube in his stomach and begin work with a psychiatrist.
Keyser is not the only one has all the kids in dialysis seem to be on the verge of deep depression. All of them are old enough to realize their deaths are inevitable.
It is so dangerous where the hospital is that we had to take Quique with us to guard the car.