Team ministry

Dottie is so appreciative to those of you are praying for her each day and fasting one meal a week. Your kindness is so appreciated. We are now up to 146 families with 215 family members praying.

Estefany and Catalina are assisting Adela with Dottie and her personal needs.

The university girls brought us a small offering just to help. We are going through a very rough spot concerning finances just as much of the world is. It is understandable as we have been here 35 years so many of our supporters have passed on to glory, many have retired and live in a pension, churches have lost their pastors and the new pastors want to go in another direction.

I woke up at 2am to pray for those who are praying for Dottie. I began to think of God’s compassion and His control over my 81 years of life.

I remembered a quote ‘The only way God can show us He is in control is to put us in situations we cannot control”. 

God is in control and His timing is perfect.

I believe `casa is going to experience a new birth with many more children, visitors and finances.

Matthew 6:34 says “Don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time”. We are loved by God.

Tim Doud’s team had devotions with Vencedores boys then with Buen Pastor boys followed by a movie with dialysis and then supper with their sponsored children.