Casa staff dinner
The staff meal was filled with laughter and great food. There were games and gifts for everyone. We all were together in one place which is a rarity. We have over 70 paid staff so seeing that allows the staff to respect what else is happening at Casa.
We must look at the needs of others which brings us to the 6th point on how to have a Godly family. It is found in Romans 12:10 ¨Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another”.
That simply means we are to respect our family members. We put their needs before our own needs. I cannot look at my needs and say to Dottie that mine are more important than hers.
At Casa I consider staff as family so you can see how obeying Romans 12:10 is certainly needed.
Dottie is doing much better although she is so very sick. Her attitude is wonderful and contagious. This time of the year is hard for me because Dottie was the one who made Christmas for the children for over 34 years.
Adela and Estefany perform physical therapy everyday even on days that Julietta comes. They work to keep Dottie´s legs somewhat limber. Tony, Quique, Marlin and Orlando also help. She is greatly loved.
One of the mangers made by the childfen