
Friday night the children watched a movie. Some were in Christmas PJs.  On Saturday the children had a bonfire with smores and caroling. The staff has really made a lot of effort to keep the children busy.

I will preach this morning on the theme ¨Rejoice Everyday¨. Happiness is determined by your circumstances and joy is based on your relationship with the Lord. For instance, I am sad that Dottie is ill but I rejoice in what her life has meant to so many children. She has had a full Godly life.

After my sermon we had the Lord´s Supper (Communion).

The seventh point in having a Godly family is found in Romans 14:13 ¨Let us not judge on another anymore: but judge this that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother´s way¨. As parents we must be so careful of our language and actions so as not to cause our children to fall. It is hard to tell your children to avoid bad language if you curse. Our children watch us as does our spouse.

Wes texted to tell me that today was Brad´s birthday. They adopted Brad from Guatemala, so Wes got a calling from God to help the children in this nation. He was our board chairman for many years. He helped us change the direction of this ministry. I am so grateful for him and all those who helped Dottie and I to take this ministry to a level we never dreamed of.

Our doctoer and 3 nurses with me at the staff dinner.