Let me know
I get texts from people who have folks who are ill like Dottie asking for prayer. I promise you that I will pray daily for you or your family members if you just let me know their situation.
Monday was the first full day of classes in our school.
I have shared with you answers to the question of What type of Father is God. God is a passionate Father, a persistent Father, a personal Father and today we see that He is a prepared Father.
Luke 1.37 says that He is also a prepared Father. There are no limits nor surprises with God. You will never do anything or even think anything that your heavenly Father does not know. God is totally prepared for anything that could happen to us.
Ephesians 2:10 says that we are His workmanship, created in Jesus Christ for good works, which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them. Our Father is always prepared for anything that can happen to us.
This is the characteristic that is most difficult for me. I worry so much about what could go wrong. I need more faith.
I took a bad fall as a water hose was left outside my door. DidnĀ“t break anything Praise God.

It took two large crosses to hold the 6000 pebbles representing the 6000 children who have come to Casa.