3 Ps

We received a 5 month and a 7 year old last night. Today we received two girls, 9 and 10, and a 9 year old boy.

Henry, Josue’ and Shirley are graduating Saturday in Broadcasting. All three have been excellant examples here at Casa so we are proud of them.

I paid the last of the extra month’s salary so we are thankful to God that we have been able to do so.

The Oklahoma team had a movie for the younger children and the Tennessee team had cupcakes for everyone.

Carpentry classes

Carpentry classes



II Peter 3:8 is a quote from Psalms 90:4 “One day is with the Lord as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as a day”.

This scripture is so great to me because the following verse has 3 Ps: Patience, Promise and Perish. Time is not important to God. He was not born and He will not die. For us time seems to be of utmost importance. You and I are short-term people. We want things and we want things RIGHT NOW!

Here we learn that God is giving everyone ever born time to receive salvation. He will not destroy this world until every person who is to be saved receives Jesus. He is very patient. He is giving us time for the promises He has made throughout His Word to come to pass.

God has no desire to see people perish(go to hell) so He exercizes His patience in order to fulfill His promises.