Inner peace #1
Josue’ is going through the curriculum for every university student so he, Sebastian and I met to set goals for each student. Having them help me on this has relieved me of a tremendous load.
Teams from Virginia and Arkansas arrived today.
Roxanna left to live with her aunts in Xela after many years at Casa.

God tells us in Isaiah 26:3 that we will hve perfect peace if we keep our mind on Him. In other words He wants us to trust Him. Chuck Colson said over 35(1981) years ago that “There has never been a stress ridden society like ours today.” Can you imagine? 1981? What about 2016?
Too many feel that this is impossible with the stresses at work and trying to provide for their families. They say they have too much to do and not enough time. Terrorism makes even flying home, eating in a restruant or shopping at the mall a roll of the dice. Millions are without work. Our educational system is one of the worst in the free world. TV, drugs, shopping, pornography, fast foods, cell phones and the internet have replaced picnics, walks in the park, lazy afternoons on the front porch, reading good books,family meals, etc.
How much money is wasted on seeking inner peace? Prescription drugs, psychiatrists, promiscuity and false religions have become the norm. Always seeking inner peace!
Isaiah 26:3 says (1) “You (God) will give me peace”. So peace is a gift from God. He and He alone can fill the empty life or the empty existence many people experience. I do not want to exaggerate but I feel that 100% of all adults have found themselves restless or empty at some time in their lives.
In Matthew Jesus says, “Come unto Me and I will give you rest (peace)”. IN John Jesys says, Peace I leave with you and my peace I give unto you.” So before we can take another step away from restlessness and stress we must realize that only Christ can give us what we need.
To be continued