There were nation-wide highway blockades today due to the fact that there is little medical services and no medicine in the government hospitals.
We have a list of equipment to be needed for the dialysis building for those interested.
CNA came unannounced but told Sebastian that our filing system was wonderfully in order. I am so proud of our transition team of social worker, doctor and nurses, psychologists, educators and dorm parents.

“Tradition!” That is what Zero Mostel sang in the movie “Fiddler on the Roof”. I believe that most families love traditions. When we were living in Lake Charles and our children were young we were given a shack on Toledo Bend Lake. It had no running water, no electricity, no heat nor cooling. In fact there was nothing at all.
But we would go there for two day visits where I would tell the children scarey stories while we all lay in our beds in the dark. Dottie would cook on an open campfire. We would bathe in the lake and carry water back to flush the commode.We paddled a small boat around and withstand strong winds and hard rains trying to get safely to shore.
On Christmas Dottie and I would hide the children’s gifts in trees or hollow logs. They ran through the woods looking under every bush and into every tree.
It was so uncomfortable and yet so wonderful. Life was so simple. Take time to build memories for your children. In fact when you multiply that memory over the years it will become a tradition.