This was the first day we were truly “down” with little to do but rest. Dottie got her hair cut & I shopped for Christmas for the teens.
Saturday evening Dottie will share at a women’s function at Fayette Baptist & I will share Sunday morning there. In the evening we will be at 1st Baptist of Collierville.
Josue’ spoke for the first time alone last night in The Woodlands.

Last night I had a dream. Sixty times in the Book of Joshua the Holy Spirit uses the term “inheritance” and 5 times He says that we are to possess the land. I was dreaming that I had everything that God desires that I have in order to accomplish everything God told me to accomplish.
But here is the dream: I saw the photograph that was posted on my update of the dialysis unit being built. We have begun the third floor so it is larger than anything on campus. I saw myself standing there and looking up the walls towards to roof. It was as big to me as Jericho must have been to Joshua.
Impossible!! The money is there to complete construction. But as I looked up those walls in my dream I was thinking “What about the physicians? What about the equipment? What about the other necessary staff? What about the cost of each dialysis machine? What about…………..?”
I know that David faced Goliath and Elijah had to face Jezebel and John had the Roman Empire and Paul had a host of enemies but I am only me! I am like Joshua in that I have never passed this way before. Oh, there have been needs before and God met them and there have been enemies and God defeated them. But this? This is Mike’s Jericho! It sits between me and the finishing of my race set before me by God.
Jericho had those humongous walls but Joshua had God. I suppose the same God Who stood by Joshua stands by us also don’t you think? If God is for me can anyone or anything be too difficult for Him. And if He is in me and I in Him can anything be too difficult for me?