Love #8

Three requests: I encourage you to get the update sent to your mail on a daily basis. Tim can help with that.

Second, we are going to refer to the medical facility for dialysis simply as the Genesis House as the word “hospital” can cause much confusion as well as legal problems for us.

Third, the little grocery store on our back road which we always try to warn visitors about was robbed again yesterday by gunpoint. Therefore all of our security cameras in the back are aimed at that road and our 4 gates.

On a different basis can you plead believe God with me for $1,000,000 to see that the Genesis House is equipped, staffed and filled with 40 ill children within 12 months?

As we end the month & prepare to return to Guatemala next week I want to thank all of you who had us at your church & helped us to help the children. We will return to the USA in February so please if you would like us to share with your church let Debbie know as soon as possible.

The service at Glad Tidings last night was again a very special place to share the Word.


Why are our prayers unanswered? I John 3:13-24 shares what the love of God does. “He who has this world’s goods and beholds a brother in need and ignores his needs how can the love of God dwell in Him?” Then He says, “Whatsoever we ask  we receive of Him because we keep His commandments and do what is pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment, that we should believe in the name of Jesus and LOVE ONE ANOTHER”.

Notice in these verses that God says we will receive answers to prayer if we love one another. But He also said that if we see a need and ignore it then that love does not exist in us. Therefore God is telling me that my prayers will not be answered if I refuse to help others. If I do not please God then He will not answer my prayers.

Jesus and Paul told us that we are to feed the hungry, visit those in prison, clothe the naked and other works. James tells us that pure religion is to love and help widows and orphans. That is what pleases God and if we do not please God by listening and answering the cry of the widows and orphans He will shut His ears to our cries.

The law we are to keep is “EVEN AS I have loved you, love one another”. Do not be selfish! Selfishness will take you out of the realm of His blessings.