
With all the world upside down in Europe five men were arrested in Honduras with Syrian passports attempting to get into the USA. Spiritual wars need to be fought with prayer.

The La. team with Dr Hines is just changing the clinic & making such a difference. Gladys is working on Rosario’s wedding. Part of her new responsibilities will be ‘events’.

Adam, Vilma, Oscar, Ezdras, Jim & Kate have returned while Larry and Sue left for the US today. Tim & Patty will leave Thursday.

The electricity was off for a few hours as we had the same problem with the lines from the transformers.


Do you know that the word “happiness” has the same root as the word “happening”. So it shows how happiness comes from the things that happen to you or around you. Happiness is based upon our circumstances.

Joy is never based on circumstances or what happens to you. Happiness is just your feelings while joy is an attitude you choose.
My back is just so painful today and it is a reminder that we cannot avoid pain but sadly people can avoid joy. In fact someone said that God will allow us to be as miserable and unhappy as we want to be.

In the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians Paul says that the fruit are love, joy, peace, etc. This tells us that joy is what holds love and peace together. It takes a commitment to stay in joy. I hate feeling sorry for myself and hen I feel as though I am drifting in that direction I do not look for things that make me happy.

I look at what gives me joy. Those things include my relationship with Jesus and His unconditional love for me. Joy comes from relationship with Christ. LSU lost two in a row and I was unhappy. But games are not eternal but my Savior and my position in Christ is forever eternal. Oh, what a joy!!