Story of my life

Tim & Patty were delayed more than 12 hours flying back from Tulsa due to State Department world wide alert & he has surgery Tuesday at noon.

I suppose I sound as though I am begging but we have not had any requests to speak in Feb/Mar except on the 4 Sunday mornings. If you want us to share then Sunday Feb 14th pm; and every Wednesday & Sunday evening through March 6th is open. March 6th we will be driving from Fayetteville, Ar back to Lake Charles after Sunday morning services.

Dottie with the new parents
Dottie with the new parents


I love to read biographies but I was thinking if I would ever want to book written or a movie made about me. There are so many things that I would not want the world to know about me. I want to be loved but I am not so sure I want to be known. If a movie covered EVERY aspect of my life there would be much embarassment for there are things I want to hide. I certainly would not want everything I have thought, said and done to be known by other people.

Do you remember what happened to Adam and Eve? They wanted to hide. Guess what? I also have things to hide. We all wear masks. We have a family mask, a job mask, an after job mask, a religious mask and other masks behind which we do not want people to gaze upon.

But according to Psalm 139 God sees the ‘real’ me. I can not hide from God just as Adam could not hide from God thousands of years ago. He sees my heart which is hidden from you by the mask I wear on that particular day you and I are face-to-face.

I smile and say to you that I am ok when the ruth is I am not ok. I even quote scriptures to others to help them when deep inside of me I am wondering why those scriptures do not seem to be working in my own life. (That is where faith comes in).

But i do know I am loved of God even on my worst days. His unbelievable love for me as His child causes Him to call out “Mike, where are you?” He knows where I am but He is getting me to look inside my heart in order for me to know where I am. He wants to teach me.

I must remove my mask and see what He sees!