The balance

Sunday morning we will be at New Sarepta Baptist at 10:30am in Sarepta, La and in the evening at Cook Baptist in Ruston, La at 6pm.

ALERT!! There is a group from Fayetteville Arkansas coming to Guatemala and can bring duffle bags for the children. Debbie can drive to Monroe or Shreveport with the bags if someone would be willing to meet here there and carry them on to Fayetteville. Please call her at 337 855 1286 if you can do this for us.

The mechanical cow house is ready for the painters.

Sebastian emailed to say that we received two brothers ages 12 and 14.

Tim emailed to say all of the windows are in the hospital as well as the electrical lights. Also the new bathroom for visitors is ready for the roof. The work being accomplished is incredible.

If we had two or three consecutive teams with skilled laborers come then this project can be DONE!!

New lighting in the dining area
New lighting in the dining area
The windows are in
The windows are in


I shared yesterday that the shield of faith to me is His faithfulness. But there is a responsibility on our part. We do exercise faith if we are to be protected by His faithfulness. Satan throws darts of temptation and wants those temptations to separate us from others, split churches, divorce and the like!

Most of us are controlled by our emotions. Where we have to arrive is at that point like Abraham that God was faithful to do what He had promised. Sara believed the ame thing also. Faith in the faithfulness of God is believing that God will keep His word to your heart just like He has said.

Faithfulness grows out of truth. Jesus said that He was the truth. I can trust Jesus and His Father to keep their promises to me. If I heard God correctly that He desires the hospital for the children with kidney failure to be built then I must grab on to God with MY FAITH in HIS FAITHFULNESS.

To me I must pick up BY Faith the shield of God’s faithfulness. If there is anything that I want my children to understand is that God is faithful. If we hear and listen and obey and apply the Word He has written to us or spoken to us we will make the correct decisions throughout our lives.

Moses says that God keeps His covenant to a 1000 generations. Not one Word of God will fall short of accomplishing what God says. Faithfulness and truth are linked together forever. Forever is thy Word established forever. What is true will always be true. I can rely on God. I can trust God.

By faith I lift up the shield of the faithfulness of my Father. God is not a man that He should lie. God will do whatever He has spoken.