God is in control of our fears
The100 visitors left today with the exception of 2 girls from Louisiana. I walked down to the site of the home that burned and spoke with the neighbors. They treated me like a long lost son. It is amazing what a demonstration of the love of God can do to a community. Thanks to all who helped yesterday!
We celebrated the Lord’s Supper tonight with all of our children and staff. As always there were children who gave their lives to Jesus. Keiser and Wendy came & asked for healing from their kidney disease.
I have a 35 year old daughter in the USA who has suffered from fetal-alcohol syndrome all her life. She needs help but Dottie and I are so far away. I have no pride in asking for help. Pray that we can find help for her.
The last few days the news has been saturated with the explosions in Brussels and talk of the explosions in Paris as well as the murders in San Bernadine and Lafayette and other cities and communities around the world. Fear is palatable. It is in the air. It is everywhere we look. Airports, US armories, schools, movie theaters, malls, nightclubs and the list goes on.
It includes Africa, Asia, Europe, Russia, the USA, even Cadada and islands around the world. No one is immune to the fear descending as it has in the last 16 years since September 11th.
Sadly, instead of seeking God and humbling ourselves and praying we as Christians are as frightened as the non-Christians. When David’s son, Absalom, was attempting to kill him David sought the Lord. I cannot say anything better than the following verses David wrote in Psalms 3.
“Lord how many are my enemies. How many rise against me. Many (ISIS, AL Quida) are saying of me “His God will not deliver him. But you, Lord, are my shield around me, my glory and the One who lifts my head. I call on you and you answer me from your holy mountain. I lie down and sleep. I wake again because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though 10s of 1,000s attack me on all sides. Arise, O Lord, deliver me! Strike all my enemies on the jaw and break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes my DELIVERANCE”.