Fear, worry and anxiety

You can start contacting Debbie in Lake Charles about our September trip home. It helps to start early so we can schedule it where we do not have to drive so far between cities.

We celebrated the girl’s birthdays for April but included today was Dottie, Bob and Celia. This monthly tradition where Dottie fixes gumbo for the children is an event that the girls look forward to. Some even come & say it is their birthday and get 2 parties a year. I cannot blame them because her gumbo is delicious.


Did you ever KNOW that God was in control but you struggled anyway? That is where I am.

“Do not fear” and “Do not be afraid” can be found in the Bible 98 times. For God to say somehing that many times tells us how important it is to God and how anxious Christians can become. They do not see these three areas, fear, worry and anxiety as horrible sins which we would classify as rape, murder, armed robbery and the like.

But the truth is these 3 sins, fear, worry and anxiety, are rooted in unbelief. All of you who follow me daily know that I am very open with my feelings. I do not pretend to be a spirital giant or a good father/minister/director or husband. I try to be honest with you because you deserve it and I am not fooling God when I gloss over my sins.

Unbelief and doubt tell of our relationship with God. Him I can never fool! The last 30 days have been crushing on me emotionally. The government is demanding so much of us in saying we need more personnel as well as meeting a list of requirements that would gag a rat.
The new Genesis House for dialysis is coming along well. All of our bills have been paid to date. I cannot add an inch to my height by worrying. Anxiety, worry and fear cannot extend my life but they can shorten my life. What these 3 things do is WEIGH us down. In fact, fear can kill us.

Psalms 37:8 “Do not fret” because it leads to evil doing. Isaiah 57:11 “Of whom were you worried and ferful when you lied and forgot me?” Here are the 3 sins these chapter tells us that they lied, did not remmember God and never gave Him a thought.

I need your prayers and support. At 72 the emotional steess is affecting my physical and mental health. It seems as though Satan is working ovetime to come against me, the staff and the children

Now you know that what we need is for you to pray more and more for me personally and the satff as well as the children. I am tired and this is the first time in 27 years that I have been this tired.

God does not give me a spirit of fear. That comes from Satan. Therefore the battle is spiritual but I need upu to hold up my hands. This week we have to make critical decisions. Your prayers will help strengthen me as well as allow me to mke the corrct decisions.