Still suffering!

Fernando’s surgery was successful. Would you believe the surgery cost only $300? Little Mateo was in the hospital for 2 days but has returned.
With the changes in dorm parents we want to reward the kids who demonstrate good behavior with an excursion or special meal each month. We are asking that some folks would help us to do that.
I fell yesterday so everyone was concerned but I feel fine today.
For those of you who still struggle with why there is suffering I suppose the easiest way to explain it is that we live in a fallen, sinful world under the control of Satan himself. Mush sin is not because of us at all. I have over 400 children here tonight at Casa and some have been raped, physically abused or abandoned by their families .
These children are innocent. They did not do anything at all to warrant their suffering. Much can be said by folks who have had family members killed by drunk drivers or gang violence. Some people are suffering in the USA who worked all their lives just to see their savings, social security and the like to be insufficient.
Everyone suffers! It will not always be known as to why some suffer and some do not. Just this morning a bus coming from Patzun was robbed by a gang who told all the riders to keep their heads down. One man glanced up and a gang member shot but only grazing his ear and killed a young mother sitting behind the man who glanced up. she was totally obedient and yet murdered.
I remember when Antony, age 4, arrived here and was so ill and dying of kidney failure. His death was slow and painful and hundreds of times I was asked by the other children “Papi, why is he dying, he did not do anything wrong?” I am afraid unless we understand that we live in a sinful world we will always ask that question.