We all mess up
The dental x-ray machine is installed. The new dental x-ray machine was installed Sunday and our old dentist will come teach the new dentist today how to use it. What a blessing!! I am having to pay two months, September and October, tuitions for all of the children in university, special classes, etc before leaving for the USA.
- Lee & Candy keep getting new boys. Keider, 8, and Kevin, 7, arrived.
- We all mess up. We say things we later wish we could take back. We do things we wish we could undo.
- We miss opportunities. Years ago dottie and I saw one of my old girlfriends. I had been saved about one year and we had lunch with her and her husband. We talked about everything BUT JESUS. Three days later she was murdered. Even after 50 years I regret so deeply I did not share my faith with her.
- We hurt the people we love. Dottie and I have had a long and truly blessed life together but I have said things or done things that hurt her deeply and she has hurt me also. No marriage is perfect and our marriage is one reason I get disappointed when others divorce. We all have
- problems but God is bigger than our problems.
- Sometimes we disappoint God. I have used bad languages, been angry, disliked others, etc. God is not blessed with me when I treat others with less mercy than God shows to us.
- And because we all mess up, we like to start over—to turn our backs on the past, to look forward, to hope that this time round, things are going to be better. I think people generally like to start over.
- God allows second changes and new beginnings.