Negativity #2

Walter, the psychologists & I will meet with all of the teachers this Friday to share what our plans are for next year. Included in the educational program I am going to send all high school graduates starting this year to the universities in Chimaltenango & if they prove that they are going to be serious with their studies I will move them to Guatemala City in 2 years. In order to overcome negativity you must know who you are in Christ. Do you believe that God loves you with an unconditional love? Do you believe that God is forging and merciful? Do you believe that God is transforming your life? Do you believe that God is patient, kind and good? Do you believe is the giver of good gifts and that the Father has given you talents and abilities? Do you believe that God provides everything you need? I learned years ago that God is with me in every situation of my life. Since sin begins with our attitudes and emotions of our inner man we have to learn for ourselves that there are some things we can change and some that we cannot change. Not everyone likes me. I cannot change that. Guess what? I cannot add height nor can I have the muscles of Hercules. I know that as a Christian God has called me to what I can do and if I do all that I can do then He will add to what I have been called to do and bring His will to bear. If I do what I can to love others and minister as He commands then He will bring miracles and fulfillment to the situation. Satan wants to use fear and doubt to deny you victory. Fear is seen throughout the Bible as leading to negative results. The ten spies fear kept an entire nation from the Promised Land. The man with one talent hid it because he feared his master and eventually lost everything. Once you believe that you have heard from God you must stay focused on the goal and never look at the fear and doubt snapping at your heels.