Negativity #3

I am so bored
I am so bored

Well, I am so proud to tell you that Oscar has passed his orals for his degree in architecture and will receive his diploma in September. I am just bursting because he has been such a faithful son all of these years. I am still trying to get all of the university tuitions and finances done for September and October. As you can image it is a very large amount but God is faithful and I am certain I will have it done by the end of next week.   Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for NOTHING”. Do you know what NOTHING means? It means NOTHING. There is not even one situation or circumstance that we should ever worry about once we have heard from God. Now, if you go and do things without prayer and Bible time you will have a lot to worry about. But when you know what God is saying for you to do there is NOTHING to fear or worry about. I know that we have heard from God concerning dialysis and a new hospital here at Casa to treat physically as well as spiritually dozens of children. The cost will be off the charts. But God said! Why should I fear or doubt? I can DO certain things such as tear down an existing building and build the medical facility. If I do what I can do then God will do what I cannot do. He told the man with the withered hand to stick out his arm. The man did and Jesus healed him. He told the servants to fill the jugs with water and He turned the water into wine. He told the paralytic man to pick up his bed and walk and Jesus healed him. He told the ten lepers that they were to go to show themselves to the priest and He healed them as they went. He told the prostitute to go and sin no more and he forgave and delivered her. He even told Lazarus who was dead to come out of the tomb. There are dozens of examples in the Word. DO WHAT YOU CAN IN OBEDIENCE AND WATCH GOD WORK!!!