What do you see? #14
I have been exercises given to me by Dr. Hines and the first few days it was terrible but now I can feel the muscles relaxing as the scar tissue is being stretched.
I spoke with Andy & Jessica in The Woodlands & the meeting for the 29th is coming together. I want everyone to understand that if you are interested in helping to build the hospital you are invited to come & hear what God is doing.
The world around you is not molding you. You are molding the world around you. I know there are accidents, negative circumstances, surprises with good things/bad things in your life. But you reaction is key to success or defeat. You are in control of what happens next. You can give up, give in or sit in self-pity. Or you can overcome whatever sits before you. You will refuse to say “I cannot do anything about my situation.” You will never utter “That is just how things are or that is just his I am”.
Pray for the Holy spirit to reveal the plan God has for your life.
Take time every day to meditate on what you believe is the will of God for you.
Find a role model. George Mueller was my spiritual hero and his work with orphans kept me going.
Discuss your vision with those of faith. Avoid those who throw cold water.
Write the vision down. Accept it. Prepare for it to become a reality.