Making Decisions #3

Andres came today to formally ask for Estela’s hand in marriage. The wedding will be November 1st. Since Estela lives in our house and cares for Michelle, Leslie Tatiana will move in when Estela leaves.
Manuel broke his hand & when Alex & Sara took him to the hospital they hospitalized Sara. Manuel will have surgery in the morning & Sara will have her surgery tonight or tomorrow morning.
Anthony’s tests show what they are referring to as varicose veins in his stomach. More tests tomorrow.
Not only did Moses esteem the things of God over the pleasures of Egypt but the scripture says in Hebrews 11:24-25 that he CHOSE and REFUSED. Most of us struggle at times with what we refer to as priorities. Oh how difficult that can be. I get very upset when the children have examinations and I look out my window to see them playing soccer and not studying. It is so difficult for me to teach them how important education is when their families have no education and tell the kids they do not need schooling.
But setting priorities is critical for ALL of us…not just children. I have come to resent tweeting, Facebook and the like even though I do not use them. Everywhere I go people are holding and using their phones, iPods, etc. If we prayed that much or if we conversed with ur families that much or if we read the Word that much we would make good choices.
To refuse is to deny or denounce something whereas to choose means to select or pick out something. Moses refused or denied himself the wealth and power of Egypt and chose to identify himself with the slaves. He knew he would suffer and he did. He knew that pleasure was for a season. When we get to the point where we realize football has a “season” and youth has a “season” and everything has a “season” we will allow things and events to determine who we are.
Jesus taught us to seek and we will find. Sadly people do seek but they seek the wrong thing. they have no idea what it is to suffer or do without. Couples begin marriage today with more than their parents had after 20 years of marriage and yet it is unsatisfying. They choose debt over sacrifice and waiting on God.
I love Dottie but not because I am suppose to love her. I love her because we are related to one another not as husband and wife but as brother and sister in the Lord. Husband/wife will pass away but brother/sister in Christ is eternal.
Once when dottie and I were verbally fighting she ran into a closet and I heard her pray “Father, do you see what that man is doing to your daughter”. that scared the bijibees out of me. My Daddy could have pulled His belt right then and gave me the what for considering what I was doing to my SISTER His DAUGHTER.