Making Decisions #4



Never too young for friendships
Never too young for friendships

Sarah had her surgery & was able to return home this afternoon. She is doing so well.

Lilian will make the wedding dress for Estella. We took them to buy all the material and accessories. Since they decided on November 1 as the wedding day it does not give Dottie much time for all the planning. Sharon will make the dresses for the bridesmaids.

The meeting with the teachers went about as we expected. Walter did a good job of explaining along with one of our psychologist but when you talk about changing a major program & some folks will lose their jobs it is an unsettling situation. But I know we made the right decision.

Sharon returned and Jessie left for the states. Next week web will leave as will Lee.


Yesterday we were talking about choosing and refusing. I will choose what is valuable to me and I will refuse that which is valuable to me. Last year Mike Jones from The Woodlands, Texas was visiting us with his wife Jessica. He is a huge Texas A&M fan. I have not one ounce of desire to watch an A&M game. To make things worse LSU was playing at the same moment. Sine he was a guest I taped LSU and we watched A&M together.

Had he not been here the choice would have been a no brainer. I value LSU and I do not value A&M. EVERYONE feels the same about their team or their school or their state or their church or their family. We all value certain things but can take or leave other things.

As a minister it has always been easy for me to look over the congregation and see who values the Word and who is not interested. If any of us are going to make both Godly and correct decisions we will have to value what is important and refuse what isn’t. We will set priorities!

Do you remember when Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus and Martha was all upset because she was frying the chicken all by herself?  Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the best part. I love to eat and I love to have dinner-on-the-ground but when we choose to cook while the Word is being preached we have not chosen wisely. It is best to have a late lunch and be filled with His Word.

This is an example of something that is “good” such as feeding others but what is “Best” is eating at the feet of Jesus.