Making Decisions #6

Well, it is getting close to our trip home as Larry and Sue arrived and will stay in our home with the 9 who live in our house. What a tremendous answer to prayer. They will stay a year.
The Department of Labor came today to look at all of our paper work for all employees & Walter was able to show them that all was in order so we passed with flying colors.
Josue’, our first child, presented his thesis to his committee today & after his presentation they asked if they could visit Casa so he impressed them.
I signed all the checks for the month of September. Sebastian does such a good job of looking over the finances for me. Also I paid another couple of university tuitions so we are nearing the end of having that finished also.
We began work on a new church & a new home for a pastor. So Jose’ will oversee those projects throughout the next 5 weeks until I return. Dottie and I wrote a will in case something happens to us.
Not only will the devil use fear to keep us from moving on what God has told us to do but He will use our feeling of inadequacy. When I was called to Guatemala my first reaction was to say to God, as though He did not know, that I did not have any money, was too old, could not speak Spanish, had no property of houses, had no Government paper work and had no church or religious covering. To tell you that I felt unqualified and inadequate for the job is an understatement. I felt as though God could have thrown a rock in a crowd and hit anyone more qualified than me.
Just like Gideon I could not believe God was telling me that I was capable. He told Gideon that “he was a mighty man of valor”. I know Gideon had to think the Lord made a mistake and he even put out fleeces in oder to “test” God. I felt exact;y the same way and actually put three things before the Lord in order to see if it was truly Him talking to me. I asked him to give us a pastor, give us principals for the elementary and high schools and provide a director our home for children there in Lake Charles. It all came to pass. But why did I do it? Because I felt inadequate.
Moses at one point in Genesis 3 asked God “Who am I Lord”. Did you ever feel that way. Have you ever felt that God surely made a mistake. How can you teach sunday school when………………..or how can you be a deacon when………………….or how could you give that much when……………? So fear, feelings of inadequacy and now the third reason for not following through on your promises to God is your own past failures. In my football career which was very short in college I fumbled. But thank goodness my coaches gave me the ball again and again. I managed to finish with more touchdowns than fumbles. You will fail at times!! But you are not a failure!! If God only used perfect people there would be nobody at His side.