Making Decisions #7

Grandpaw with Javi, the son of Josue' and Estella.
Grandpaw with Javi, the son of Josue’ and Estella.

We received another 10 year old boy making it 70 in Lee & Candy’s dorm.

I received the plans on the Casa Critical Care Clinic and they are beautiful . We will see what God does.


Now we have seen that God calls imperfect people. The devil knows that we feel the pressures when the God of Heaven, the Creator of the Universe, the One who hung the stars in the sky calls us we look at (1) the fear of failure, (2)the feeling of inadequacy and (3) our own past failures. What else does Satan do to stop us from following the will of God and stepping into aHis call upon our lives.

Fourth, the devil will tell you that if you follow God you will give up your security. People want safety nets! What about life or health insurance? What about vacation pay? Retirement? Sick benefits? What if……These are not bad questions in and of themselves but if God is speaking to you then He will take care of you.

It is frightening to step into a situation where you may not have a salary or the other things we mentioned. But God is better than Blue Cross. I have had so many people tell me they are coming to help here to Casa and as time passes and I wonder what happened that they have not yet come andnormally the answer is “When….”

Faith is stepping on the water and when you do the bridge will be built by God. Why should God give you any other guarantee than His Word and His call on your life? I have used the illustration of the electric bill for years. Each moth I get a bill from the lactic company. Sometimes it is $8500 and other times it is $11,000 or more. I can faint or I can look back at 25 years of God paying the electric bill every month. That means God has paid exactly 300 electric bills in 25 years. He provides!! I can look at the huge bill or I can look at the faithfulness of my Father.