Decisions #11

Is this a sign from the Lord encouraging us to go forward with the hospital?
Is this a sign from the Lord encouraging us to go forward with the hospital?
Dialysis children without Genesis and Keiser
Dialysis children without Genesis and Keiser


Our first prep meeting was at 10am Monday morning with and then the large presentation was at 6:30pm. Following the meeting we drove from Houston to Lake Charles arriving home at  about midnight.  God be praised because with the $100,000 recently given for new property we left The Woodlands with a total of $629,000 of which $ 529,000  is for the hospital. Dozens of other people in attendance will be making pledges or contributions as time goes by. Another $50,000 was pledged annually for operating expenses.

Marjorie had hernia surgery ans catheeter replacement for hemodialysis as well as repair of a hernia caused by the previous catheter. Very ill! Sindy I also had surgery due to infection in the peritoneal catheter and having to replace it with hemp-catheter.


God is not wishy-washy but I certainly have met Christians who are so double minded. They say “God told me” but as soon as it gets difficult they are gone. God does not change His mind. The Book of James tells us in 1:8 that “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”. When a person is indecisive they become unstable in every part of their life. You have to decide what is important in your life and be obedient to follow that will of God.

If you do not do what is important to God you will end up doing what is important to you or someone else and that is a catastrophe. You cannot be concerned about criticism from others. I love the story of Hernan Cortes, the conqueror in the New World, where his men all wanted to return immediately back to Europe out of fear he simply said “Burn the boats!”

Can you imagine? He actually had all of the boats burned so there was no way anyone could leave the Yucatan and return to Europe. They had to stay until he conquered the treasures he sought. It was then he was able to build new ships and return home. HE DID NIT CARE WHAT ANYONE THOUGHT OF HIM!!!!

Who are you trying to please? Don’t look at me and say that “Well, people will not like me”. Everyone is disliked by someone. Make sure you please the right people. That begins with pleasing God and then you will please the RIGHT people. Rejection hurts! Criticism hurts! But disobedience to God is much worse.