I suppose that I am the most blessed individual I have ever known. God has been so good to me and I have deserved none of it. It isn’t about the money that He provided. It is about having friends who trust Dottie and me and believe in what we are doing.
As we prepare for the trip back to Guatemala it is with a joyful heart and an expectation that we will be in the new hospital. Each year when I return to Guatemala I always am hit with so much negative because of things some children did while I was away.
The task before us is daunting although I know that God will provide. I am looking at the following scenario should anyone or any group want to get involved. Tim, the men and I will sit later this week and make a plan. But here is what needs to be done.
1. Girl’s career dorm converted to a visitor’ dorm. This is in process.
2. The old visitor’s dorm will need individual bed rooms framed for 6 college girls.
3. The Barney dorm where the 6 girl currently live will be removed.
4. The visitor’s kitchen by the dialysis house will be removed.
5. During these events we will begin the foundation of the hospital itself.
So there is truly something for everyone both skilled and unskilled.
With the generosity of many the Lord has provided enough for construction. I have no doubt that the Lord will provide the rest of what is needed when it is needed.
Whether you can give $10 or $10,000 you can be assured that you will be changing a child’s destiny.
Remember God only builds bridges when we step out on the water.