Someone values us #2

We have begun to take down the wall around the visitor dorm addition and Monday we will take down 4 classrooms where we will then begin building the hospital.
Dottie is working so hard on the wedding coming up on Saturday.
Schedule: Feb 15th Family Life Lafayette in AM with Abundant Life, Marksville at 6pm;
March 1st Lakeside Baptist i Cove Springs Ark in AM. Nothing in PM. Monday morning at Nothstar headquarters.
A team from Birmingham came with gowns for the girls.
I am so valuable that Jesus died for me. You are so valuable that Jesus died for you. Even when I mess up and do not feel valuable I am still valuable to God. Even when I feel abandoned, unseen and not noticed I am still valuable to God. Even when I am in the darkness of circumstances I am still valuable to Jesus.
You surely remember when Sarah told Abraham that he needed to impregnate Hagar because she, Sarah, would never have a baby. He did! Sarah eventually was so jealous and so angry that she attacked Abraham. Abraham responds that it was Sarah’s fault and that Sarah could do what she wanted with Hagar and her son.
Sarah had her cast out and as she wandered in the desert until she finally thought her life was ended. She sat down expecting to die. She felt totally dishonored, unloved, unwanted and valueless. And the truth is that she did not do anything wrong. She had no choice as a slave to Abraham and Sarah. Often you are innocent as to the situation you find yourself.
She did what we normally do. She ran!!! We try to find a place where we feel loved and valuable. Men run to bars, strip clubs, “man” caves and the like. Women run also. Immoral affairs seem to be the answer to many marital problems today. We want to feel loved, accepted and valuable.
But in Genesis 16 the angel comes to Hagar and says “Where have you come from and where are you going?” Eventually hagar would say in verse 13 “You are the God who sees me”. Oh how great it is when we as Christians come to the realization that God sees us. He knows us. He knows our circumstances. And He Cares!!!!
Stay tuned………….