Traits of a Christian Friend
Such sad news today: Again they tried to put a new catheter in Marjory but it caused tremendous pain and was removed. Later in the day they placed a catheter in Sindy I but it would not function. Both girls are so scarred from the numerous surgeries. The pain they are suffering tears us all apart.
There is a possibility that Keiser will have a transplant in February. Pray that his body will get stronger so as not to reject the new kidney. He just is not very healthy.

John 15:13 says “Greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for his friend”. The first trait I see is that a Christian friend loves sacrificially. Simply stated this means that a Christian friend is never selfish or envious. Jesus demonstrated this when He washed the feet of the disciples. I have people attempt to enter into my life simply because they wanted something from me.
Secondly, in Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity”. This means we love unconditionally. A true Christian friend can accept our frailties, weaknesses and imperfections. You can see why it is true that we do not have a long list of intimate friends. People ha e been in my church in the states and have come to Casa here in Guatemala only to become bitter and magnify every negative thing they see or hear. Although everyone fails not everyone is able to see themselves honestly. They see the mote in the other eye but not the log in their own.
Third, Proverbs 18:24 “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”. So we should trust completely. Trusting others too quickly can be deadly to a ministry. We must be careful whom we can trust. In fact, once we know that someone has betrayed our confidence we will need to remove “closeness” in that relationship. If i cannot trust you I cannot share my heart with you. Time alone is the test of trustworthiness.
Stay tuned!