Which friend?

Now that graduation is over Angie, Kate & Jim are headed for the USA. Chad and Abby arrived and are in place in the baby dorm. The visitors who came for graduation all left this morning so it is just family now.
Dottie & I will take the quinceaneras to the hotel this morning for 3 days.
It is possible that little Keiser will have an opportunity for a kidney transplant. Both his father and mother are being tested to see if they match. That would be so wonderful. The dialysis is temporary. It only delays the inevitable without a transplant.
I read that someone once said “If God wants to bless you He brings a friend into your life. And when Satan wants to destroy you he brings a friend into your life.”
Without a doubt these two sentences are true. I Corinthians 15:33 says “Do not be mislead: bad company corrupts good character”. You cannot walk with Christ and maintain INTIMATE relationships with those who do not want to walk with Him. It sounds like I am being judgmental but I am not. Whom you walk with will determine your destination.
And I am not saying that you should avoid them. Just Live Like You Should in Jesus and those who love Him will walk with you and those who do not love Him will slowly disappear unless they receive Christ to the depth that you receive Him. I Peter 4:14 says “Be happy hen you are insulted for Christ sake”.
Do you remember how much Pilate and Herod hated one another until the Pharisees brought Jesus to them? All of a sudden they became friends! Satan saw to it that two ungodly, corrupt individuals would find one another in an evil cause. He will do the same to us today.
One of our boys years ago went for a weekend to visit his mother. While in that slum he ran around with a boy he knew who was associated with a street gang. They were walking the street when a car drove near-by & shots rang out and he was killed. He was not a gang member but he WALKED with one when he should have walked away.
The destruction of Israel and Judah came about because they “MINGLED with God’s enemies” (Psalm106:34-35)
More tomorrow!!