Rejection #3

I preached on Knowing Who We Are which I felt was a great lesson but I hurt so badly standing that I could not think straight. I really flubbed it & I wanted the children to see what is their Identity & Destiny in Jesus.
Sunday, February 22nd. we have no place to minister. We would love to get the calendar filled. If there is any desire by your people to hear what Christ is doing at Casa please email me at
Jesus was rejected . Isaiah had prophesied in Isaiah 53:3 “He would be rejected by men”. In John 1:11 it says “He came unto His own and His own did not receive Him”. In His own words in John 15:18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you”.
This tells me that when we as Christians become more like Jesus we will experience rejection. II Timothy 3:12 “All who desire to live Godly in Christ will suffer persecution”.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was to be like Jeremiah. No Old Testament figure suffered as much rejection as did Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 15:10 he writes that he has wronged no one YET they all curse me. In 15:16-18 he writes that he was isolated and alone. But he also writes in 15:19 the words of God that says “if people will return to me….you shall be my mouth”.
Was it worth it to Jeremiah to preach the Word, be an Example, stay Faithful and demonstrate the Loving Forgiveness of God?
Jeremiah learned what we need to learn and that is that rejection in this world (if we handle it correctly) can be a pathway to heavenly treasure. Jesus always turns our pains to blessings if we allow Him to.