Announcement – New Blog Category – Campus Life Update

Hello everyone, and happy Wednesday. This post comes from our media team led by Marlin and Josue – and several other folks here at Casa and in the States. You may recall announcements early in 2020 about plans to communicate with you more, and in particular, our plan to share stories about life and living here at Casa Aleluya. As you would image, COVID-19 interrupted our timing, but did not sway our commitment. So this is the first in an ongoing weekly (or so) update we call Campus Life at Casa Aleluya.

To get the party started, we plan to share a combination of posts in the coming weeks from pages of our website. As a starting point, we will re-post selections from our “Stores Of Hope” blog entries and from the “Staff Biographies” of our leadership pages – supplemented with real-time stories of interest from the dorms, our school and more. We can’t wait to share these stories and biographies with you – we hope you are inspired. Tomorrow, Friday the 12th of March, will be our first live post and will come to you from Stories of Hope. So be on the lookout.

As a reminder, you can always let us know your preferences for these communications by clicking the link at the bottom of the e-mail. Your click will be followed by a secure e-mail where you can check all or a portion of the various “areas of interest” for our e-mail postings.