Meet Heydy Prado – Children’s Psychiatrist

Health difficulties have shown me the infinite love of God because I have been healed from an incurable disease – impossible for man but completely possible for the Great I Am.  This experience changed my whole story because it made me grateful, taught me to live only in the present and to trust God to take care of the future.

I have been part of the Casa Psychology Clinic for 9 years, where every day I attend the children and adolescents that God brings to Casa Aleluya to restore their heart, stabilize their thoughts and support them in their present decisions. 

My education incudes a Psychology Degree from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala and also have a diploma in transitional analysis and a diploma in addictions.  I work with vulnerable children in the garbage dump in zone 3, and care for mothers and workers in the same place.

My favorite thing about being part of the Casa story is helping children turn the heartbreak, pain, loneliness, confusion, sadness and suffering of their previous experiences into thoughts of a winning and not of a victim – so they can be part of transforming their own lives.

I send a special thank you to all the Casa supporters for being sensitive to God’s call in your hearts and giving our children so much love – each of you gives hope for our most vulnerable population.