Casa Aleluya Blog

Our Blog

President Trump

The Bible is the best-selling book every year. 50 are sold every minute. 72,000 every day and 26,000,000 every year. Doris 1 came to church with her son yesterday. She is studying French and preparing to enter law school. That is such a great accomplishment. The fourth crown…


The third crown mentioned in the Bible that we can receive and then lay at the feet of Jesus when we get to heaven is the crown of righteousness. II Timothy 4:7-8 says I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the…

Dottie is trying.

A young lady from Tulsa came for the weekend and is considering coming to help us out. Her name is Libby and she would make a good fit. There also was a couple who came earlier in the week who are also interested in joining the staff. The…


: One of our most faithful young people who has been here for years and been a wonderful daughter and helper at Casa has moved on. Marlin is a college graduate and oversaw teams but is now in her 30s and knows she needs to make a life…

Thinking outside the box

As soon as you read this pray for the government inspection that we are having today. In 36 years, this will be the single most important inspection we have had. I have given you 6 thoughts as to who God is as a Father to us. Passionate, persistent,…

Major meeting with CNA

Please pray for our Friday follow-up inspection by the CNA which is the governing body for all Children´s homes in Guatemala.  More specifically, pray for our certification. We are believing for a miracle and favor with them. Danny came to Casa 19 years ago and finished high school…


We go from God as a passionate, persistent, personal and prepared Father to number five which is that God is a permanent Father. This means that He is always there for us. You cannot escape God. He is always present. As I told you my dad was offshore…

Let me know

I get texts from people who have folks who are ill like Dottie asking for prayer. I promise you that I will pray daily for you or your family members if you just let me know their situation. Monday was the first full day of classes in our…

Dottie went to church

God is a passionate Father and a persistent Father and thirdly He is a personal Father. Psalm 68:5 says that He is a Father to the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in His holy habitation. I read someone who said that it is a…


What kind of Father is God? Second, God is a persistent Father. James 1:17 says,    ¨Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning. ¨ Galatians 6:9 says that we…

First day of school

Friday was the first day of classes for our school. There is always an excitement for the beginning of the school year but my prayer is that they will till be excited in 9 months. The students from CAG who came yesterday spent the night so that was…


Christian Academy is the school for the children of missionaries. They brought the seventh grader students to spend the day here and provide activities. First, they had a soccer tournament playing against our 10-12 old boys followed by a tournament with the Esperanza girls. They then had arts…


The seventh reason for reading the Bible is found in John 15:3. ¨Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken to you¨. Reading the Bible will keep your heart clean. If you fill your heart with God´s Word daily it will be like bathing daily…


The sixth reason for reading the Bible every day is found in Hebrews 4:12 and that is to keep us awake to our spiritual needs.  Hebrews 4:12 says ¨For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to dividing asunder…

High school

The fifth reason to read your Bible daily is found in James 1:22 telling us we are to preach, teach and apply the Word to our lives. The scripture says ¨But be you doers of the Word and not hearers only¨.  So many people carry their Bible to…

Bitter cold in the Land of Spring

It is freezing here in the land of eternal spring. Never has it been this cold this long since we arrived in 1989. The forecast is two more months of intense cold. The fourth purpose for reading the Bible daily is found in John 5:39 which tells us…

Quique and Dottie

The third purpose for the Bible is found in II Timothy 16-17 which says All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good…

Changing Dorms

The second purpose of reading the Bible is to make us wise to salvation. In II Timothy 3:15 we read¨ and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ ¨.…

Our foundation

With what happened in New Orleans and Las Vegas I had a heavy night. The world is truly out of control and instead of love governing relations between both people and nations we have hatred in every form. The Lord kept saying to me last night ¨My Word¨.…

New Orleans

New Orleans was hit with an ISIS terror attack. With at least 10 killed that means some families will always have to live with this day being a horrible reminder of how their lives changed forever. It happened with the Sugar Bowl scheduled to be played yesterday meaning…