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Two new brothers, Luis & Jose’ Roberto, 9 & 11 arrived.
Dottie and I celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary by going to the bank & buying school supplies. Then we returned to a phone call that the mother of 3 of our children fell yesterday and hit her head and died this morning. Telling children that their mother has died is never an easy task.
The four children who had surgery on their eyes today were Rocio, Lucero, Reina and David had their eye surgery although the first was scheduled for 9am & actually began after 2pm. So we will not know for many hours what has transpired.
Running the race means first that we rid ourselves of all extra weight (sins, fears, doubts and the past. Second, we play by the rules. Staying in our lane and running the race God has chosen for us. Third it is absolutely necessary that we run with the right motive. Do not be the average Christian who only wants to finish and get to heaven. To run the race God has for you it is necessary for you to remember there is only Gold or last place. There are no second, third or other places. God has given you a job–a call–and He desires that you fulfill it to the best of your ability.
Now we see that fourth we must keep our eyes on Jesus. Oh, my goodness, there are so many distractions. Some distractions are not evil things but maybe your family or your job or your church. As a pastor most of my congregation did not want Dottie and I to leave but I am certain there were some doing cartwheels down the aisle. My family was so set against it and made comments such as “You are taking my grandchildren away from me” or “The natives in Guatemala will boil you and eat you”.
FIfth_ Never_never_never Look back! Every ministry around the world has had people who helped for a while and then looked back. I ran high school and college track and looking back will always cause you to lose. I found out that I have always had to be focused on the Gold at the end of the race. Not much glory while you are circling the track but if you cross the finish line first oh what joy as it will be in the arms of Jesus that you will fall exhausted.