Loss of a loved one

My great granddaughter: needs prayer for physical healing
My great granddaughter: needs prayer for physical healing


Dottie stayed busy all day with her flowers & then going out trying to sell the puppies. She sold only one. I had a visit from a group of ministers from the states wanting to help with discipleing our children. This would be a great blessing for me.


It seems that I have shared my testimony 1000s of times over the years. A major part in the story is the deaths of our three children when we were so young. We were touching 20 years of age when Michelle passed away followed later with the death of our son, Jonathan, an finally the death of Michelle. The memories of those deaths has faded but have never passed from memory. Being blessed to adopt Tony, Chad, Elizabeth, Becky, Tanya, Christy, Michelle, Minor and finally Candida have given us the children we missed and then some.

Coming to Guatemala with stars in our eyes and the thought of having hundreds of children gave us an inner joy and outward expectation that life would be good. Thins were so blessed and calm for the first 5 years until an infant was brought to us who had a cleft lip and kidney failure. Within 24 hours she passed away. Susie, 15, died and for years it seemed that all was well. But then followed another infant, Antonio, Byron, Jorge, Mario, Juan, Rosa, Jimmy, a third baby, Antony, Sergio, Jose’, and well you get the idea.

Now as we approach 71 years of age it seems like not only have all our grandparents, parents, many brothers and sisters, dozens of classmates  and more friends than I can remember have departed this life. With the deaths recently of a wonderful pastor whom I loved and the wife of another minister who has been part of my life for over 35 years and so many relatives of sponsors and supporters of Casa I cannot help but think today of how quick life is. Not in a negative way!!!

Recently a young wife and mother and one of the dearest friends to Casa passed away. It was as though Dottie and I lost another daughter. As we spoke with her parents who are two of the greatest friends a man can have Dottie shared with the grief stricken mother what God told her a half century ago at the death of Misty.

God spoke to Dottie in the depth of her pain and suffering and simply said “Remember a thousand years are like a day with God and a day is like a 1000 years with God. You will see your baby in a MINUTE.” Our lives as passed so quickly that I understand that our lives are but seconds of time on God’s clock.

I hope I can share some things in the next few days to help you.