Onesiphorus #3
The bone marrow test says there is no leukemia but it is a disease called Pancytopenia or commonly called Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome. The treatment appears to be blood transfusions. But he does not have leukemia although he is a sick little boy. But God is so good. Many of you prayed and now we all know exactly what to pray against. Thank you for being there for us and the children.
Today we had lunch with Regina as Pastor Dave was ill. His son, David, who married one of our girls, Vanessa, met us there with their new baby. He is handsome!
The service at Triumphant Church was another sweet expression of how people love the children in Guatemala. Pastor Gene is such a kind supporter of the kids.
During this period of discouragement, despondency and danger in the life of Pal there was one man who stood out above all others as a source of encouragement. His name was Onesiphorus and I consider him to be Paul’s pastor. Many people are called “pastor” but not all REFRESH those in pain. To refresh means to recreate or revive. It is actually used to mean “to breath into in order to give life”.
Can’t you just see this man walking into Paul’s prison cell and bringing with him a breath of fresh air? He probably cut Pau short if Paul was talking about those who deserted him. Sadly even us preachers often speak too much about who has hurt or abandoned us rather than those who have stood by and supported us. I know that when I have thought too much about my own feelings when I have been hurt by others I fail to do justice to those who have not hurt me.
In fact, I have to be careful to not allow the “bad behavior” of some kids consume me to where I do not spend quality time with the “good behaviored” children. So Onesiphorus would not have allowed Paul to have a pity party. I am pretty sure that he also did not dump on Paul the problems in Ephesus or the personal problems of Onesiphorus’s family. That is never refreshing.
There are lonely Christians in churches who are never visited. There are Christians in churches who are never invited to someone’s home. I have seen too many church members who are more concerned about relationships that can benefit themselves rather than a ministry to care for others.
James 1:27 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” I have had so many people tell me that they wish they could do what Dottie and I do with orphans. Well, there is a second part of that verse that says to visit the widow. That is what EVERY Christian can do. We can all reach out in our own communities and church family and visit.
Paul says that Onesiphorus was not ashamed of Paul and that he encouraged him by visiting him. What an
I suppose what would have meant the most to Paul and certainly be refreshing was that he was not ashamed of Paul as we have seen in the list of others who had abandoned him.