Tychicus #2

Well, it is 24 degrees this morning and tomorrow we head North to what appears to be Iceland (Virginia, W Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania).

Walter & Tim closed the university dorm so all of those boys are in the transition home.

Tim began moving Juan back to his home in Escuintla. I will miss him. He has worked for me for more than 15 years.


Mariela and me before the wedding
Mariela and me before the wedding

Paul had approved all of the men we mentioned yesterday To approve means to examine someone or something in order to endorse it or them as trustworthy. Paul would not send just anyone anywhere. He would always approve them before allowing them to be on the front line of battle.  n fact, Paul depended heavily on the local churches to help him approve someone. I have depended on pastors, etc in local churches to help me make decisions on staff members.

It is critical for me to know something about a prospective staff member from the very people with whom he ministers or sits under in the local church.  They know what a person is really like. I only wish that they would always be honest with me when I make inquiries.

Tychicus was an honest man and had been tested and tried and approved and therefore carried the money to Jerusalem. A man of integrity can be counted on to fulfill his call and follow through with what God has laid on his heart. By reading Ephesians 6:21-22 we see that Tychicus was the messenger who also carried letters for Paul. The great apostle knew that his letters were safe in the hands of Tychicus. He could trust him. It was an immense responsibility.

When I look at the children we have raised I see young men such as Alex, Josue’, Billy, Oseas, Oscar and others whom I can trust to the utmost. There are girls such as Patty, Sara, Heidi, Olga, Gladys, Analy, Estella and others whom I can trust with everything within me. There are others I could name also.

A literal translation of Ephesians 6:21-22 is that “he will encourage your heart”.

stay tuned